13,992 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Ultracontractivity of Feynman-Kac Semigroups for Symmetric Jump Processes

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    Consider the symmetric non-local Dirichlet form (D,\D(D)) given by D(f,f)=∫Rd∫Rd(f(x)βˆ’f(y))2J(x,y) dx dy D(f,f)=\int_{\R^d}\int_{\R^d}\big(f(x)-f(y)\big)^2 J(x,y)\,dx\,dy with \D(D) the closure of the set of C1C^1 functions on Rd\R^d with compact support under the norm D1(f,f)\sqrt{D_1(f,f)}, where D1(f,f):=D(f,f)+∫f2(x) dxD_1(f,f):=D(f,f)+\int f^2(x)\,dx and J(x,y)J(x,y) is a nonnegative symmetric measurable function on RdΓ—Rd\R^d\times \R^d. Suppose that there is a Hunt process (Xt)tβ‰₯0(X_t)_{t\ge 0} on Rd\R^d corresponding to (D,\D(D)), and that (L,\D(L)) is its infinitesimal generator. We study the intrinsic ultracontractivity for the Feynman-Kac semigroup (TtV)tβ‰₯0(T_t^V)_{t\ge 0} generated by LV:=Lβˆ’VL^V:=L-V, where Vβ‰₯0V\ge 0 is a non-negative locally bounded measurable function such that Lebesgue measure of the set {x∈Rd:V(x)≀r}\{x\in \R^d: V(x)\le r\} is finite for every r>0r>0. By using intrinsic super Poincar\'{e} inequalities and establishing an explicit lower bound estimate for the ground state, we present general criteria for the intrinsic ultracontractivity of (TtV)tβ‰₯0(T_t^V)_{t\ge 0}. In particular, if J(x,y)\asymp|x-y|^{-d-\alpha}\I_{\{|x-y|\le 1\}}+e^{-|x-y|^\gamma}\I_{\{|x-y|> 1\}} for some α∈(0,2)\alpha \in (0,2) and γ∈(1,∞]\gamma\in(1,\infty], and the potential function V(x)=∣x∣θV(x)=|x|^\theta for some ΞΈ>0\theta>0, then (TtV)tβ‰₯0(T_t^V)_{t\ge 0} is intrinsically ultracontractive if and only if ΞΈ>1\theta>1. When ΞΈ>1\theta>1, we have the following explicit estimates for the ground state Ο•1\phi_1 c1exp⁑(βˆ’c2ΞΈΞ³βˆ’1γ∣x∣logβ‘Ξ³βˆ’1Ξ³(1+∣x∣))≀ϕ1(x)≀c3exp⁑(βˆ’c4ΞΈΞ³βˆ’1γ∣x∣logβ‘Ξ³βˆ’1Ξ³(1+∣x∣)),c_1\exp\Big(-c_2 \theta^{\frac{\gamma-1}{\gamma}}|x| \log^{\frac{\gamma-1}{\gamma}}(1+|x|)\Big) \le \phi_1(x) \le c_3\exp\Big(-c_4 \theta^{\frac{\gamma-1}{\gamma}}|x| \log^{\frac{\gamma-1}{\gamma}}(1+|x|)\Big) , where ci>0c_i>0 (i=1,2,3,4)(i=1,2,3,4) are constants. We stress that, our method efficiently applies to the Hunt process (Xt)tβ‰₯0(X_t)_{t \ge 0} with finite range jumps, and some irregular potential function VV such that lim⁑∣xβˆ£β†’βˆžV(x)β‰ βˆž\lim_{|x| \to \infty}V(x)\neq\infty.Comment: 31 page

    Coherence scale of coupled Anderson impurities

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    For two coupled Anderson impurities, two energy scales are present to characterize the evolution from local moment state of the impurities to either of the inter-impurity singlet or the Kondo singlet ground states. The high energy scale is found to deviate from the single-ion Kondo temperature and rather scales as Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction when it becomes dominant. We find that the scaling behavior and the associated physical properties of this scale are consistent with those of a coherence scale defined in heavy fermion systems.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, extended versio
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